Cartooning • Humorous Illustration • Graphic Design
Past Projects/Clients have included:
Trademark character design;
Art, Story & Script: Educational Comic Books;
Art for Tee Shirts and Promotional Items
American Backflow Prevention Association, Bryan, Texas
Promotional materials for Celebrity Autograph/Memorabilia Shows;
Research, Copy, Website Design & Management
Showstopper Productions, Studio City, California
Art for Collectible Coffee Mugs
Cuppa, St. Petersburg, Florida
Conception, Art, Story & Script: Comic Book Series: Maxwell Mouse Follies
Renegade Press, Long Beach, California
Story Adaptation and Art: Comic Books; Coloring Books;
Children's Theatre Promotional Materials
Hippodrome State Theatre, Florida
Trademark Character Design; Newspaper Ads
Sonny’s Restaurants, Southeastern USA
Comic-Strips; Comic Books/Stories and Scripts; Cartoons and Illustration
The Comics Journal (Fantagraphics, Inc.)
Charlton Publications SRI Publications City of Gainesville, Florida
Gay Comix (Bob Ross; Kitchen Sink) Strip AIDS USA (Last Gasp-San Francisco)
Various Newsletters, Fanzines, etc.
Blaine Kern Artists / The Kern Companies, Inc.
New Orleans
Design Mardi Gras Parade Floats and Props,
Parade Throws, Retail Installations, etc.
My Favorite Company Inc.
Venice, California
Designs for Mylar Balloons, Tee Shirts and Party Goods
Gainesville Regional Utilities
Gainesville, Florida
Design and Assist Development of Employee- and
Customer Newsletters and Annual Reports;
Create Newspaper Comic-Strip Series, Ads & Informational materials;
Provide Art for Slides and Video
Santa Fe Community College
Gainesville, Florida
Design, Layout, Lettering, Art & Copy for a wide variety
of College Materials, including Catalogs, Booklets,
Brochures, Certificates, Posters, Displays, etc.
Provide Art for Slides and Video.
Florida Public Relations Association (FPRA) / Golden Image
Addy Award, Florida / Caribbean
Software includes: Affinity Designer, Affinity Photo
Adobe Photoshop & Adobe Illustrator
on a Mac Platform